The book of Joshua is an exciting story of a whole nation entering into the promises that God had for them. After Moses died, Joshua led the people, first crossing the river Jordan miraculously on dry land, then defeating the entire city of Jericho in the strength and power of God.
Multiple times in the book of Joshua, the words ‘whole nation’ are used. For example, ‘All Israel passed by until the whole nation had completed the crossing on dry ground.’ (Joshua 3:17) I wonder how long that would have taken!
When the Israelites crossed the Jordan to enter the promised land, every single person crossed that river. Joshua didn’t just take the armed men across until it was safe for everyone to come. It was the mothers holding their babies, the children, the teenagers, the elderly, and all the people in between who crossed that river on dry ground. Each one of them was caught up right in the centre of this miracle of God.
Now is a good time to get ready not just to see amazing stories reported in the next town or city or on the news, but to expect to see the Lord do amazing things amongst us: things that will affect our families, friendship groups, churches and communities, and things that will involve every single one of us, from the young to the old.
Right before the Israelites cross the river, Joshua says to them: ‘Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.’ (Joshua 3:5)
Now is also a good time to prepare ourselves for what God is going to do amongst us. It is a time to awaken and be engaged with the things of heaven and the agenda of God. It’s a time to clear our senses so that we might be sensitive to the move of the Holy Spirit. It’s a time to pray and to commit ourselves afresh to God.
Take heart in these words from Isaiah: ‘Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you.’ (Isaiah 60:1-2)
Be encouraged because Jesus, the Light of the World, is in you! And get ready – arise and shine – because God is moving among you!
By Mary Swain, Dayspring Church