Bless Leeds 21
1 Timothy 2 v 1:
As we walk
Prayer Walking App
Prayer Walking Guides, Flyers and videos
One for All
Have you ever thought it would be good just to have an easy-to-read book to give to someone who wants to know the story of Jesus, or is asking about the Christian faith – without having to get them to plough through the Bible and try to explain which gospel is the one to start with?
Well, here it is – ‘One for All’ is the story of Jesus from all four gospels, which you can carry with you and give to someone you may meet as you prayer walk your street and neighbourhood.
Copies are available free of charge, as long as they last, during the Bless Leeds in 2021 season.
Contact John Swift at or via blessleeds21@gmail.comand we’ll get them to you.
You can support Bless Leeds 21 by donating
Pray For Leeds bank account.
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Watch this space for information about some Bless Leeds prayer gatherings. Please email with any queries or comments.
Bless Leeds 21 is supported by Leeds Christian Community Trust (LCCT) and City Vision.
Bless Leeds 21 Blog
23rd May – 20th October: Prayer Walking Our Streets
Leeds Prayer House and Pray for Leeds are prayer walking the streets of Leeds over the summer months, and we’d love for you to join us as we cover the city in prayer.
Prayer Walking
Bless Leeds 21 is a project which aims to prayer walk every street with an LS postcode between May and September 2021. That makes it sound like a sponsored challenge. Whilst there is no sponsorship involved, it is good to have a target.
Prayer walking is simply praying whilst walking. It is probably best done alone or in pairs. We suggest doing it discreetly, but with a sense of expectation that God might interject with something prophetic or possibly an encounter of some sort.
God told Joshua (Joshua 1:3) that He was going to give him … every square inch of the land (that he) set (his) foot on. Prayer walking is an act of claiming the ground (Psalm 37:11 and 34), whilst asking for God’s blessing on the people who live / work/study / enjoy recreation / etc in a particular street. We worship, give thanks, intercede and listen to the Spirit as we walk.
John H
An outside faith
Thanks to everyone who has been engaging with the prayer walking web app so far. 42 km of the city have been walked now and it’s so encouraging to have a visual representation of the prayer that is happening in different areas. Several churches are also making this a summer project for their congregations and weekly groups, to cover the areas near where they meet or where they live.
Here are some thoughts from someone who’s been prayer walking recently…
‘I’ve been reminded while prayer walking that Christianity is an outside faith. So often our expressions of faith take place inside buildings whereas most of the action in the Bible is outside – where people are. So we should be inside out people! Children love to be outside and I’ve noticed so many playing out as I’ve prayer walked over this last half term; which causes me to pray for the next generation growing up in our city, the majority of whom know nothing of the amazing gospel of the Lord Jesus.’
Off to a Good Start
We’re off to a good start with the App, with a total of 12 routes earmarked or completed and 13.54km already walked! It’s really exciting as this starts to gather momentum and we see the routes appearing, knowing that these areas are being covered in prayer.
We trust in a God whose power works in us to do more than we could ever ask, or than our minds could ever think or imagine, so let’s allow our expectations to rise of what God will do as we walk our streets (Eph 3 v 20).
We would love to hear your stories, encouragements, or anything that you feel God speaks to you as you walk, and we can share some of these here. Please send any thoughts to